Sargent's Daughters: The Biography of a Painting

Art.Nr.: 9780878468607

Autor: Hirshler, Erica

Verlag/Ort: Boston 2019

Seiten: 224

ISBN/Art.: 978-0-87846-860-7

EUR 15,50
inkl. 7 % USt


Introduction . Sargent's Daughters . John Singer Sargent . Ned and Isa Bolt . Paris The Boits, Sargent, and Children . The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit: The Setting The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit: The Painting . 'Four Corners and a Void' . Sargent's Excursions . A Boston Interlude, 1886-88 . Afterlife: Ned and Isa . Afterlife: The Daughters of Edward Boit . Afterlife: The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit