Atelier Bow-Wow - Echo Of Space / Space Of Echo

Art.Nr.: 9784864803106

Autor: Contemporary Architect's Concept Series

Untertitel: (Contemporary Architect's Concept Series 5)

Erscheinungsjahr: 2009/201

Verlag/Ort: Lixil Publishing

Sprache: English, Japanese

Bindung: Softcover

Seiten: 140

ISBN/Art.: 978-4-86480-310-6

EUR 25,80
inkl. 7 % USt

  • Lieferzeit: Aktuell nicht lieferbar


What is the relationship between a specific physical environment, whether architectural, urban or natural, and how the occupants use, experience, develop and maintain a space? And which different rules and decisions shape a space and its particular use? These questions are the driving force behind Atelier Bow-Wow’s delightful and thought-provoking search for the harmonious balance between forms of being (physical space) and forms of doing (how space is occupied). Designed as a scrapbook containing a wide-ranging collection of ideas aimed at starting an exploration, the publication blends observations and comments with sketches and photographs.