Carlo Scarpa - Layers

Art.Nr.: 9783930698141

Autor: Schultz, Anne-Catrin

Weitere Angaben: Third reprint of the 2014 edition

Erscheinungsjahr: 2019

Bindung: Gebundene Ausgabe/ Hardcover

Seiten: 151

ISBN/Art.: 978-3-930698-14-1

EUR 59,00
inkl. 7 % USt


In recent decades, Carlo Scarpa's relevance has been steadily on the rise. At a time when architects have to use existing city and building structures as a point of departure for their work, his oeuvre remains a source of inspiration. Buildings such as the Castelvecchio in Verona show us that architecture is capable of communicating its own history, has meaning, and develops a contemporary dynamic of its own. Scarpa's layered architecture makes visible the process of becoming and the time-related sedimentation of material and meanings.