Endo Shuhei Paramodern Architecture 25/25

Art.Nr.: 9788997603367

Verlag/Ort: Equal Books

Seiten: 122

ISBN/Art.: 978-89-976033-6-7

EUR 54,00
inkl. 7 % USt


Lightness and flexibility are frequently combined in the works of Endo Shuhei, who reveals through his projects a quest for the spatial quality specific to the programme; the dynamic of separation and organisation achieved through materials in a fusion of new forms. This book presents 25 works, both realised and conceptual, and from the 1990s through to more recent works. Endo’s interest in facilities related to transport is readily apparent, with key examples being Halftecture F (single train platform), Transtation O (unmanned train station including bicycle parking), Looptecture F (harbour security and floodgate control centre), and more. With an essay by Frederic Migayrou. English, Korean