Imagine No. 10: Rapids 02

Art.Nr.: 9789462082939

Seiten: 0

ISBN/Art.: 978-94-6208-293-9

EUR 28,80
inkl. 7 % USt

  • Lieferzeit: 2 Wochen


In 2014, a 3D-printed Canal House by DUS architects caught the attention of the world. The 3D Print Canal House proved the potentials of "Additive Manufacturing" for architecture and construction. "Additive Manufacturing" provides the architect with completely new solutions for realizing tool-less production methods, while allowing maximum freedom of design. Additive Manufacturing is ideally suited for Rapid Prototyping. It is possible to manufacture physical presentation and functional prototypes with complex shapes quickly and cost-efficiently without the need for manual processing – directly using three-dimensional CAD construction data.