Super Vernaculars - Design for a Regenerative Future

Art.Nr.: 9789616669870

Untertitel: BIO 27

Erscheinungsjahr: 2023

Seiten: 244

ISBN/Art.: 978-961-6669-87-0

EUR 46,00
inkl. 7 % USt

  • Lieferzeit: 2 Wochen


he BIO27 Super Vernaculars catalogue, edited by Jane Withers and Ajda Bracic, serves as a handbook and a platform that defines, examines and presents the so called Super Vernaculars approach, as well as inspire and inform the wider design community as well as others interested in creativity and regenerative practices. Super Vernaculars reveals how designers and architects are revisiting vernacular traditions and value systems largely ignored in the modern era to create imaginative responses to contemporary challenges such as water scarcity, waste and declining biodiversity. Published by Museum Architecture and Design.