Super Perry - The Iconic Images of Lee 'Scratch' Perry by Dennis Morris

Art.Nr.: 9784908749339

Erscheinungsjahr: 2022

Verlag/Ort: Tang Deng Co

Seiten: 72

ISBN/Art.: 978-4-908749-33-9

EUR 59,00
inkl. 7 % USt

  • Lieferzeit: 2 Wochen


This photo book featuring Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry (1936–2021) contains 42 photographs of the iconic Jamaican singer and producer. British photographer Dennis Morris had a personal friendship with the producer, photographing Perry’s recording sessions at the legendary Black Ark studios in the 70s. Their photography sessions together resumed in the 2000s, and into Perry’s later years in London. Morris’ career began when he was only eleven and one of his photographs was printed on the front page of the Daily Mirror. He went on to photograph many other influential musicians such as Bob Marley and the Wailers, Sex Pistols, Marianne Faithfull, The Stone Roses, and more.