A Bestiary of the Anthropocene (new pocket edition)

Art.Nr.: 9789083404189

Erscheinungsjahr: 2024

Seiten: 256

ISBN/Art.: 978-90-834041-8-9

EUR 29,90
inkl. 7 % USt

  • Lieferzeit: 2 Wochen


Equally inspired by medieval bestiaries and observations of our damaged planet, 'A Bestiary of the Anthropocene' is a compilation of hybrid creatures of our time. Designed as a field handbook, it aims at helping us observe, navigate, and orientate in the increasingly artificial fabric of the world. Plastiglomerates, surveillance robot dogs, fordite, artificial grass, antenna trees, Sars-Covid-2, decapitated mountains, drone-fighting eagles, standardised bananas… each of these specimens are symptomatic of the rapidly transforming “post-natural” era we live in. Often without us even noticing them, these creatures exponentially spread and co-exist with us.