Architectural Guide London - Twentieth-Century Housing Projects

Art.Nr.: 9783869225258

Autor: 0

Erscheinungsjahr: 2021

Verlag/Ort: DOM Publishers

Sprache: English

Seiten: 279

ISBN/Art.: 978-3-86922-525-8

EUR 38,00
inkl. 7 % USt


A city famous for its rapid growth and high cost of living, London is not a place one immediately associates with social housing. Yet the British capital has a long history of such projects: from Henry Roberts' works for the Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes in the nineteenth century to the con-temporary, RIBA-award-winning Dujardin Mews. This guide by urban planner Tjerk Ruimschotel focuses on the developments in this often-overlooked field, beginning at the close of the nineteenth century and finishing at the present day. Icons such as the Barbican are included alongside lesser-known works.