Sweet & Salt: Water and the Dutch

Art.Nr.: 9789056628482

Autor: Metz, Tracy; Van Den Heuvel, Maartje

Erscheinungsjahr: NAI010 P

Bindung: PB

Seiten: 296

ISBN/Art.: 978-90-5662-848-2

EUR 38,00
inkl. 7 % USt

  • Lieferzeit: 2 Wochen


The Netherlands and water: a story of conflict and concord, calamity and prosperity. For centuries the Dutch have been masters at controlling the water. The knowledge and technology with which the ‘Low Lands’ deal with water are an inspiration to many countries. Climate change is increasing the threat of both flooding and drought, and the consequences of a potential disaster are incalculable. It is no accident that dealing with water is one of the greatest global challenges of the twenty-first century. In the project Sweet&Salt (book and exhibition) author and journalist Tracy Metz and curator Maartje van den Heuvel demonstrate, in text and images, how the Netherlands shapes its evolving relationship with water.