Goodbye Architecture: The Architecture of Crematoria in Europe

Art.Nr.: 9789462084247

Erscheinungsjahr: 2018

Sprache: English

Seiten: 0

ISBN/Art.: 978-94-6208-424-7

EUR 58,00
inkl. 7 % USt

  • Lieferzeit: 2 Wochen


This book portrays the architecture of European crematoria, showing how architecture creates a space for rituals of death and remembrance. Cremation is a recent but fast-growing tradition throughout Europe. It links up with our tendency to make more deeply considered life choices that go beyond death. What active role can architecture play in this process? In order to answer this question, the authors charted crematoria throughout Europe. Never before has the architecture of crematoria been so extensively portrayed, analyzed and documented with background information.